package import android.annotation.SuppressLint import android.widget.TextView import com.ydl.confide.api.ConfideRoute.R_CONFIDE_HOME import com.ydl.webview.H5Params import com.ydl.webview.NewH5Activity import import com.ydl.ydlcommon.modular.route import com.ydl.ydlcommon.router.IYDLRouterConstant import com.ydl.ydlcommon.utils.Utils import com.ydl.ydlcommon.utils.remind.HttpErrorUtils.Companion.handleError import import import import import import import com.yidianling.nimbase.common.ui.recyclerview.adapter.BaseMultiItemFetchLoadAdapter import import import io.reactivex.disposables.Disposable import io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers /** * Created by haorui on 2019-11-06 . * Des: 分享 消息 * 分享的类型,0:测试;1,课程;2,文章;3:倾诉 * 消息由咨询师端触发 */ class MsgViewHolderShareMsg(adapter: BaseMultiItemFetchLoadAdapter<*, *>?) : MsgViewHolderBase(adapter) { private var tv_confide_money: TextView? = null private var tv_confide: TextView? = null var mShareUrl: String? = null var mPrice: String? = null private var mShareType = 0 private var mSubscribe: Disposable? = null private var mConfidedId: String? = null private var mDoctorId: String? = null //测试 val Type0 = 0 //课程 private val Type1 = 1 //文章 private val Type2 = 2 //倾诉 private val Type3 = 3 private val SUCCESS_CODE = "200" override fun getContentResId(): Int { val attachment = message.attachment if (attachment is CustomAttachmentShareMsg) { return when (attachment.shareType) { Type0 -> R.layout.im_ui_message_custom_confide Type1 -> R.layout.im_ui_message_custom_confide Type2 -> R.layout.im_ui_message_custom_confide Type3 -> R.layout.im_ui_message_custom_confide else -> R.layout.im_ui_message_custom_confide } } return R.layout.im_ui_message_custom_confide } override fun inflateContentView() { tv_confide_money = view.findViewById( tv_confide = view.findViewById( } override fun bindContentView() { val attachment = message.attachment if (attachment is CustomAttachmentShareMsg) { mShareUrl = attachment.shareUrl mPrice = attachment.sharePrice mShareType = attachment.shareType mConfidedId = attachment.confidedId mDoctorId = attachment.doctorId } if (isReceivedMessage) { setAvatarRightInVisibity() } else { setAvatarLeftInVisibity() } when (mShareType) { Type0 -> { } Type1 -> { } Type2 -> { } Type3 -> tv_confide_money!!.text = mPrice else -> { } } } override fun onItemClick() { super.onItemClick() if (Utils.isFastClick()) { //防止连击 return } requestConfideStatus() } @SuppressLint("CheckResult") private fun requestConfideStatus() { if (mSubscribe != null && !mSubscribe!!.isDisposed) { mSubscribe!!.dispose() } val userInfo = getUserResponse() mSubscribe = getImJavaApi().getPushConfideStatus(userInfo!!.uid!!, message.fromAccount) .subscribeOn( { it: BaseAPIResponse<PushConfideStatusBean> -> if (SUCCESS_CODE == it.code) { val data = if (data.isOpen != 1) { ToastUtil.toastShort(view.context.getString(R.string.im_push_confide_msg_unopened)) return@subscribe } if (data.isOnline != 1) { ToastUtil.toastShort(view.context.getString(R.string.im_push_confide_msg_offline)) return@subscribe } if (data.isReducible != 1) { ToastUtil.toastShort(view.context.getString(R.string.im_push_confide_msg_busy)) return@subscribe } if (data.isStatus != 1) { ToastUtil.toastShort(view.context.getString(R.string.im_push_confide_msg_calling)) return@subscribe } if (mShareType == Type3 && mConfidedId != null && mDoctorId != null) { //新版本走倾诉列表逻辑 route(view.context, R_CONFIDE_HOME, IYDLRouterConstant.EXTRA_CONFIDEDID to mConfidedId, IYDLRouterConstant.EXTRA_DOCTORID to mDoctorId) } else { //老版本去专家主页 NewH5Activity.start(view.context, H5Params(mShareUrl!!, null)) } } }) { t: Throwable? -> handleError(context, t!!) } } }