Commit 0f00af89 by upwork.021

feat: 参数修改,组件升级

parent 6d9ec015
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ ext {
// -------------- 业务模块 --------------
//第三步 若干
"m-confide" : "",
"m-consultant" : "",
"m-consultant" : "",
"m-fm" : "",
"m-user" : "",
"m-home" : "",
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ ext {
//第三步 若干
"m-confide" : "",
"m-consultant" : "",
"m-consultant" : "",
"m-fm" : "",
"m-user" : "",
"m-home" : "",
......@@ -56,17 +56,25 @@ class ExpertSearchPresenter : SimplePresenter<IExpertSearchView>() {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(allFilter.searchWord)){
filterMap["__keywords"] = allFilter.searchWord
val categoryList = ArrayList<Any>()
// 八大类一级标签
if (allFilter.categoryId2List.isNotEmpty()){
val categoryIdMap = HashMap<String, Any>()
categoryIdMap["in"] = allFilter.categoryId2List
filterMap["product_cates.category_id2"] = categoryIdMap
val categoryMap2 = HashMap<String, Any>()
val categoryIdMap2 = HashMap<String, Any>()
categoryIdMap2["in"] = allFilter.categoryId2List
categoryMap2["product_cates.category_id3"] = categoryIdMap2
// 八大类二级标签
if (allFilter.categoryId3List.isNotEmpty()){
val categoryIdMap = HashMap<String, Any>()
categoryIdMap["in"] = allFilter.categoryId3List
filterMap["product_cates.category_id3"] = categoryIdMap
val categoryMap3 = HashMap<String, Any>()
val categoryIdMap3 = HashMap<String, Any>()
categoryIdMap3["in"] = allFilter.categoryId3List
categoryMap3["product_cates.category_id3"] = categoryIdMap3
if (categoryList.size>0){
filterMap["__or"] = categoryList
// 主题
if (allFilter.categories.isNotEmpty()) {
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