Commit 61b21619 by 徐健


parent 1187ed69
......@@ -44,17 +44,17 @@ ext {
//第三步 若干
"m-confide" : "",
"m-consultant" : "",
"m-consultant" : "",
"m-fm" : "",
"m-user" : "",
"m-home" : "",
"m-muse" : "",
"m-tests" : "",
"m-course" : "",
"m-im" : "",
"m-dynamic" : "",
"m-muse" : "",
"m-tests" : "",
"m-course" : "",
//-------------- 业务模块 API 层 --------------
"m-audioim-api" : "0.0.5",
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ ext {
"router" : "0.0.1",
"ydl-net" : "",
"ydl-utils" : "0.0.3",
"ydl-flutter-base": "",
"ydl-flutter-base": "",
ydlCompileVersion = [
......@@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ ext {
//第三步 若干
"m-confide" : "0.0.40",
"m-consultant" : "0.0.28",
"m-course" : "0.0.22",
"m-fm" : "0.0.15",
"m-user" : "0.0.25",
"m-home" : "0.0.3",
......@@ -101,6 +100,7 @@ ext {
// 以下为接入flutter的模块
"m-muse" : "0.0.7",
"m-tests" : "0.0.4",
"m-course" : "0.0.22",
//-------------- 业务模块 API 层 --------------
"m-audioim-api" : "0.0.5",
"m-confide-api" : "",
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ ext {
"router" : "0.0.1",
"ydl-net" : "",
"ydl-utils" : "0.0.3",
"ydl-flutter-base": "",
"ydl-flutter-base": "",
dependencies = [
......@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ ext {
"ydl-flutter-base" : "com.ydl:ydl-flutter-base:${ydlCompileVersion["ydl-flutter-base"]}", //组件化项目中的flutter base模块
"ydl-flutter" : "com.ydl:ydl-flutter:", //flutter aar
"ydl-flutter" : "com.ydl:ydl-flutter:", //flutter aar
"ydl-flutter-sp" : "com.ydl:ydl-flutter-sp:0.0.2@aar", //flutter 缓存 aar
//基础组件 <<--- 先发这个,发完改这里的版本号
......@@ -215,9 +215,9 @@ class ExpertSearchAdapter(private val context: Context, private val expertSearch
holder.tvChat.background = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context,R.drawable.consultant_expert_search_chat_rest)
val durationStringBuffer = StringBuffer()
holder.tvSaleDurationForMonth.text = durationStringBuffer.append(itemBean.saleDurationForMonth.toInt()).append("").toString()
holder.tvSaleDurationForMonth.text = durationStringBuffer.append(itemBean.allSaleDuration.toInt()).append("").toString()
val sb = StringBuffer()
holder.tvPrice.text = sb.append("").append(itemBean.minBookingPrice).toString()
......@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ class ExpertSearchAdapter(private val context: Context, private val expertSearch
val tvOrderNum = itemView.tvOrderNum!!
val tvOrderNumContent = itemView.tvOrderNumContent
val tvSaleDurationForMonth = itemView.tvSaleDurationForMonth!!
val tvSaleDurationForMonthContent = itemView.tvSaleDurationForMonthContent
......@@ -10,116 +10,121 @@ import com.yidianling.consultant.bean.ExpertSearchTagsIconBean
* @Company 壹点灵
* @date 2018/12/11
data class DoctorServiceItem(/**
* 专家ID
val doctorId : String?,
* 专家uid
val uid : String?,
* 专家名称
val name : String?,
* 跳转路由地址(正常为专家主页地址)
val linkUrl : String?,
* 专家头像地址
val head : String?,
* 专家是否在线
val isOnline : Int?,
* 能力等级 1.实习 2.新手 3.精英
val abilityLevel : Int?,
* 有免费咨询:1.有,2.无
val hasServiceFree : Int?,
* 活动图标
val activityImg:String?,
* 是否参加活动
val joinActivity: Boolean?,
* 是否新入驻:true:是,false:否
var isNewEnter : Boolean = false,
* 好评率(倾诉+咨询)
var feedbackRate : Float = 0f,
* 评价数(咨询订单数)
var zixunOrderNum : Int = 0,
* 咨询最低价
val minBookingPrice : String?,
* 资质材料
val teamCertifications : String?,
* 标签分类
val tags : String?,
* 已帮助人数(咨询人数)
val zixunOrderUser : String?,
* 月售时长
var saleDurationForMonth : Float = 0f,
* 服务
val products : MutableList<ExpertSearchProductsBean>?,
* 标签图片
val tagsIcon : ExpertSearchTagsIconBean?,
* 今日是否可约
val isTodayFree : Boolean?,
* 是否咨询中
var inConsult : Boolean = false,
* 是否聆听中
var isListening: Boolean = false,
* 私聊人数
var chatNum: Int = 0,
* 个人铭言
val famousRemark : String?,
* 省
val province : String?,
* 市
val city : String?,
* 私聊按钮的文案(如果不为空则取这个字段的值,如果为空 则默认为:“私聊”)
val chatBtnText : String?
data class DoctorServiceItem(
* 专家ID
val doctorId: String?,
* 专家uid
val uid: String?,
* 专家名称
val name: String?,
* 跳转路由地址(正常为专家主页地址)
val linkUrl: String?,
* 专家头像地址
val head: String?,
* 专家是否在线
val isOnline: Int?,
* 能力等级 1.实习 2.新手 3.精英
val abilityLevel: Int?,
* 有免费咨询:1.有,2.无
val hasServiceFree: Int?,
* 活动图标
val activityImg: String?,
* 是否参加活动
val joinActivity: Boolean?,
* 是否新入驻:true:是,false:否
var isNewEnter: Boolean = false,
* 好评率(倾诉+咨询)
var feedbackRate: Float = 0f,
* 评价数(咨询订单数)
var zixunOrderNum: Int = 0,
* 咨询最低价
val minBookingPrice: String?,
* 资质材料
val teamCertifications: String?,
* 标签分类
val tags: String?,
* 已帮助人数(咨询人数)
val zixunOrderUser: String?,
* 月售时长
var saleDurationForMonth: Float = 0f,
* 服务时长
var allSaleDuration: Float = 0f,
* 服务
val products: MutableList<ExpertSearchProductsBean>?,
* 标签图片
val tagsIcon: ExpertSearchTagsIconBean?,
* 今日是否可约
val isTodayFree: Boolean?,
* 是否咨询中
var inConsult: Boolean = false,
* 是否聆听中
var isListening: Boolean = false,
* 私聊人数
var chatNum: Int = 0,
* 个人铭言
val famousRemark: String?,
* 省
val province: String?,
* 市
val city: String?,
* 私聊按钮的文案(如果不为空则取这个字段的值,如果为空 则默认为:“私聊”)
val chatBtnText: String?
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ public class YDLMessageFragment extends TFragment implements ModuleProxy {
// 初始化顶部专家信息栏
if (ActionHandlerStorage.getL(sessionId).getUserType() == 2) {
if (ActionHandlerStorage.getL(sessionId) != null && ActionHandlerStorage.getL(sessionId).getUserType() == 2) {
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import
import com.ydl.ydlcommon.utils.YDLCacheUtils
import com.ydl.ydlcommon.view.dialog.YDLShareDialog
......@@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ class MusePlugin : MethodChannel.MethodCallHandler {
music.artist = ""
music.coverPath = ""
music.title = ""
PlayerFloatHelper.playingType = PlayTypeEnum.PLAY_TYPE_MUSE
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