Commit c244aecc by YKai


parent b9e2abb3
......@@ -79,87 +79,108 @@ class AudioHomeActivity :
* 专家头像地址
private var expertHeadUrl: String? = null
* 专家姓名
private var expertName: String? = null
* 专家文案
private var expertTips: String? = null
* 声网点对点聊天房间id
private var channelId: String? = null
* 通话开始时间(接通)
private var callStartTime: Long? = null
* 倾诉剩余时长(时长单位s,eg:剩余2min15s,返回135)
private var remainTime: String? = null
private var listenId: String? = null
* token
private var token: String? = null
* commentUrl 评价页URL
private var commentUrl: String? = null
* callId
private var callId: String? = null
* relation_id
private var relationId: String? = null
* listenerUid专家uid
private var listenerUid: String? = null
* 倾述总时长
private var totalDuration: Int? = 0
* 本地记录的当前剩余时间
private var localRemainTime: Int? = 0
* 60s自动挂断倒计时
private var waitDisposable: Disposable? = null
* 45s倒计时
private var disposable: Disposable? = null
* 本次倾述倒计时
private var totalDisposable: Disposable? = null
* 是否连接成功
private var isConnectSuccess: Boolean = false
private var localPowerManager: PowerManager? = null
private var localWakeLock: PowerManager.WakeLock? = null
private var sensorManager: SensorManager? = null
private var sendDoctocrMsg: String? = null
private var axbPhone: String? = null
private var isJumpDail: Boolean = false
private var isShowAXB: Boolean = true
private var mPlayer: AudioPlayer? = null
private var vibrator: Vibrator? = null
private var handler: Handler? = null
private var voiceManage: YDLVoiceManager? = null
......@@ -182,6 +203,7 @@ class AudioHomeActivity :
override fun onWarning(warn: Int) {
uploadException("mRtcEventHandler-onWarning:warnCode--%${warn}", callback = null)
//104:查找频道超时。在加入频道时 SDK 先要查找指定的频道,出现该警告一般是因为网络太差,连接不到服务器
......@@ -286,14 +308,16 @@ class AudioHomeActivity :
override fun onRtcStats(stats: IRtcEngineEventHandler.RtcStats?) {
// 不需要移动端做离开房间逻辑,服务端会判断进行踢人逻辑
if (isConnectSuccess && null != stats?.users && stats.users == 1) {
// if (isConnectSuccess && null != stats?.users && stats.users == 1) {
// writeAgoraLog("通话结束:用户加入了频道,但频道内只有一个人")
// //通话结束或挂断时,上传日志文件
// uploadLog()
// leaveChannel()
// }
override fun onConnectionStateChanged(state: Int, reason: Int) {
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