Commit b1a82e7b by yubaogu


parent 1bc03dab
......@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ public class BasisInfo implements Serializable{
private String idType;
private String idJdbcType;
private TableInfo tableInfo;
private List<PropertyInfo> cis;
......@@ -31,13 +31,17 @@ public class GeneratorFileUrl implements Serializable{
private String entityUrl;
private String daoUrl;
private String mapperUrl;
private String mapperXml;
private String serviceUrl;
private String serviceImplUrl;
private String facadeUrl;
private String facadeImplUrl;
private String controllerUrl;
* Copyright © 2019 dream horse Info. Tech Ltd. All rights reserved.
* @Package: com.gitee.mybatis.fl.entity
* @author: flying-cattle
* @date: 2019年4月9日 下午8:15:25
package com.gitee.flying.cattle.mdg.entity;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2019
* <p>说明: 获取到数据库的信息</P>
* @version: v3.0.0
* @author: flying-cattle
* Modification History:
* Date Author Version Description
* 2019年4月9日 flying-cattle v3.0.0 initialize
public class TableInfo implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 123124L;
private String tableName;
private String tableComment;
......@@ -17,7 +17,10 @@ import java.util.Set;
import com.gitee.flying.cattle.mdg.entity.BasisInfo;
import com.gitee.flying.cattle.mdg.entity.PropertyInfo;
import com.gitee.flying.cattle.mdg.entity.TableInfo;
import javafx.scene.control.TableColumnBase;
* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2019
* <p>说明: 链接数据库并获取表信息</P>
......@@ -31,15 +34,28 @@ import com.gitee.flying.cattle.mdg.entity.PropertyInfo;
public class EntityInfoUtil {
public static BasisInfo getInfo(BasisInfo bi) throws SQLException {
TableInfo tableInfo = new TableInfo();
List<PropertyInfo> columns= new ArrayList<PropertyInfo>();
// 创建连接
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement pstemt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
String tableSql="select table_name,table_comment from information_schema.tables where table_schema='"+bi.getDatabase()+"' and table_name='"+bi.getTable()+"'";
String sql="select column_name,data_type,column_comment from information_schema.columns where table_schema='"+bi.getDatabase()+"' and table_name='"+bi.getTable()+"'";
try {
con = DriverManager.getConnection(bi.getDbUrl(), bi.getDbName(), bi.getDbPassword());
pstemt = con.prepareStatement(tableSql);
rs = pstemt.executeQuery();
if( {
throw new RuntimeException("表不存在");
pstemt = con.prepareStatement(sql);
rs = pstemt.executeQuery();
while ( {
......@@ -26,11 +26,13 @@ import com.gitee.flying.cattle.mdg.entity.PropertyInfo;
public class Generator {
public static final String ENTITY="entity";
public static final String DAO="dao";
public static final String DAO_IMPL="daoImpl";
public static final String ENTITY="po";
public static final String MAPPER="mapper";
public static final String MAPPER_IMPL="mapperxml";
public static final String SERVICE="service";
public static final String SERVICE_IMPL="serviceImpl";
public static final String FACADE="facade";
public static final String FACADE_IMPL="facadeImpl";
public static final String CONTROLLER="controller";
public static final String SWAGGER_CONFIG="swaggerConfig";
......@@ -42,13 +44,13 @@ public class Generator {
public static ResultJson createDao(String url,BasisInfo bi) {
String fileUrl= getGeneratorFileUrl(url, bi.getDaoUrl(), bi.getEntityName(), DAO);
String fileUrl= getGeneratorFileUrl(url, bi.getDaoUrl(), bi.getEntityName(), MAPPER);
return FreemarkerUtil.createFile(bi, "dao.ftl", fileUrl);
public static ResultJson createDaoImpl(String url,BasisInfo bi) {
String fileUrl= getGeneratorFileUrl(url, bi.getMapperUrl(), bi.getEntityName(), DAO_IMPL);
String fileUrl= getGeneratorFileUrl(url, bi.getMapperUrl(), bi.getEntityName(), MAPPER_IMPL);
List<PropertyInfo> list=bi.getCis();
String agile="";
for (PropertyInfo propertyInfo : list) {
......@@ -64,6 +66,16 @@ public class Generator {
String fileUrl= getGeneratorFileUrl(url, bi.getServiceUrl(), bi.getEntityName(), SERVICE);
return FreemarkerUtil.createFile(bi, "service.ftl", fileUrl);
public static ResultJson createFacade(String url,BasisInfo bi) {
String fileUrl= getGeneratorFileUrl(url, bi.getFacadeUrl(), bi.getEntityName(), FACADE);
return FreemarkerUtil.createFile(bi, "facade.ftl", fileUrl);
public static ResultJson createFacadeImpl(String url,BasisInfo bi) {
String fileUrl= getGeneratorFileUrl(url, bi.getFacadeImplUrl(), bi.getEntityName(), FACADE_IMPL);
return FreemarkerUtil.createFile(bi, "facadeImpl.ftl", fileUrl);
public static ResultJson createServiceImpl(String url,BasisInfo bi) {
......@@ -73,7 +85,7 @@ public class Generator {
public static ResultJson createController(String url,BasisInfo bi) {
createAbstractController( url, bi); //保证父类一直存在
//createAbstractController( url, bi); //保证父类一直存在
String fileUrl= getGeneratorFileUrl(url, bi.getControllerUrl(), bi.getEntityName(), CONTROLLER);
return FreemarkerUtil.createFile(bi, "controller.ftl", fileUrl);
......@@ -91,16 +103,20 @@ public class Generator {
public static String getGeneratorFileUrl(String url,String packageUrl,String entityName, String type){
if (type.equals("entity")) {
if (type.equals("po")) {
return url+pageToUrl(packageUrl)+entityName+".java";
}else if(type.equals("dao")) {
return url+pageToUrl(packageUrl)+entityName+"";
}else if(type.equals("daoImpl")) {
}else if(type.equals("mapper")) {
return url+pageToUrl(packageUrl)+entityName+"";
}else if(type.equals("mapperxml")) {
return url+pageToUrl(packageUrl)+entityName+"Mapper.xml";
}else if(type.equals("service")) {
return url+pageToUrl(packageUrl)+entityName+"";
}else if(type.equals("serviceImpl")) {
return url+pageToUrl(packageUrl)+entityName+"";
}else if(type.equals("facade")) {
return url+pageToUrl(packageUrl)+entityName+"";
}else if(type.equals("facadeImpl")) {
return url+pageToUrl(packageUrl)+entityName+"";
}else if(type.equals("controller")) {
return url+pageToUrl(packageUrl)+entityName+"";
}else if(type.equals("swaggerConfig")){
* @filename:${entityName}Controller ${createTime}
* @project ${project} ${version}
* Copyright(c) 2020 ${author} Co. Ltd.
* All right reserved.
package ${abstractControllerUrl};
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import com.gitee.flying.cattle.mdg.aid.JsonResult;
import com.gitee.flying.cattle.mdg.aid.PageParam;
<#if isSwagger=="true" >
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiImplicitParam;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
* @Description:TODO(${entityComment}API接口层)
* @version: ${version}
* @author: ${author}
* @time ${createTime}
public class AbstractController<S extends IService<T>,T>{
protected S baseService;
protected JsonResult<T> result = new JsonResult<T>();
* @explain 查询对象 <swagger GET请求>
* @param 对象参数:id
* @return JsonResult
* @author ${author}
* @time ${createTime}
<#if isSwagger=="true" >
@ApiOperation(value = "获取对象", notes = "作者:${author}")
@ApiImplicitParam(paramType="path", name = "id", value = "对象id", required = true, dataType = "Long")
public JsonResult<T> getById(@PathVariable("id")Long id){
T obj=baseService.getById(id);
if (null!=obj ) {
}else {
return result;
* @explain 删除对象
* @param 对象参数:id
* @return JsonResult
* @author ${author}
* @time ${createTime}
<#if isSwagger=="true" >
@ApiOperation(value = "删除", notes = "作者:${author}")
@ApiImplicitParam(paramType="query", name = "id", value = "对象id", required = true, dataType = "Long")
public JsonResult<T> deleteById(Long id){
JsonResult<T> result=new JsonResult<T>();
T obj=baseService.getById(id);
if (null!=obj) {
boolean rsg = baseService.removeById(id);
if (rsg) {
}else {
}else {
return result;
* @explain 添加
* @param 对象参数:T
* @return Boolean
* @author ${author}
* @time ${createTime}
<#if isSwagger=="true" >
@ApiOperation(value = "添加", notes = "作者:${author}")
public JsonResult<T> insert(T entity){
JsonResult<T> result=new JsonResult<T>();
if (null!=entity) {
boolean rsg =;
if (rsg) {
}else {
}else {
return result;
* @explain 修改
* @param 对象参数:T
* @return Boolean
* @author ${author}
* @time ${createTime}
<#if isSwagger=="true" >
@ApiOperation(value = "修改", notes = "作者:${author}")
public JsonResult<T> update(T entity){
JsonResult<T> result=new JsonResult<T>();
if (null!=entity) {
boolean rsg = baseService.updateById(entity);
if (rsg) {
}else {
}else {
return result;
* @explain 分页条件查询用户
* @param 对象参数:AppPage<${entityName}>
* @return PageInfo<${entityName}>
* @author ${author}
* @time ${createTime}
<#if isSwagger=="true" >
@ApiOperation(value = "分页查询", notes = "分页查询返回[IPage<T>],作者:${author}")
public JsonResult<IPage<T>> getPages(PageParam<T> param){
JsonResult<IPage<T>> returnPage=new JsonResult<IPage<T>>();
Page<T> page=new Page<T>(param.getPageNum(),param.getPageSize());
QueryWrapper<T> queryWrapper =new QueryWrapper<T>();
IPage<T>, queryWrapper);
return returnPage;
* @filename:${entityName}Controller ${createTime}
* @project ${project} ${version}
* Copyright(c) 2020 ${author} Co. Ltd.
* All right reserved.
package ${controllerUrl};
import ${abstractControllerUrl}.AbstractController;
import ${entityUrl}.${entityName};
import ${serviceUrl}.${entityName}Service;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
<#if isSwagger=="true" >
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
* <p>自动生成工具:mybatis-dsc-generator</p>
* <p>说明: ${entityComment}API接口层</P>
* @version: ${version}
* @author: ${author}
* @time ${createTime}
<#if isSwagger=="true" >
@Api(description = "${entityComment}",value="${entityComment}" )
public class ${entityName}Controller extends AbstractController<${entityName}Service,${entityName}>{
* @filename:${entityName}Controller ${createTime}
* @project ${project} ${version}
* Copyright(c) 2020 ${author} Co. Ltd.
* All right reserved.
package ${controllerUrl};
import ${entityUrl}.${entityName};
import ${facadeUrl}.${entityName}Facade;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import com.github.pagehelper.PageInfo;
import com.github.pagehelper.IPage;
<#if isSwagger=="true" >
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
* <p>自动生成工具:mybatis-dsc-generator</p>
* <p>说明: ${entityComment}API接口层</P>
* @version: ${version}
* @author: ${author}
* @time ${createTime}
<#if isSwagger=="true" >
@Api(description = "${tableInfo.tableName}",value="${tableInfo.tableName}" )
public class ${entityName}Controller extends AbstractController<${entityName}Service,${entityName}>{
protected ${entityName}Facade baseFacade;
* @explain 查询对象 <swagger GET请求>
* @param 对象参数:id
* @return BaseDtoResponse
* @author ${author}
* @time ${createTime}
<#if isSwagger=="true" >
@ApiOperation(value = "获取对象", notes = "作者:${author}")
@ApiImplicitParam(paramType="path", name = "id", value = "对象id", required = true, dataType = "Long")
public BaseDtoResponse<${entityName}> getById(@PathVariable("id")Long id){
return null;
* @explain 删除对象
* @param 对象参数:id
* @return BaseDtoResponse
* @author ${author}
* @time ${createTime}
<#if isSwagger=="true" >
@ApiOperation(value = "删除", notes = "作者:${author}")
@ApiImplicitParam(paramType="query", name = "id", value = "对象id", required = true, dataType = "Long")
public BaseDtoResponse<Boolean> deleteById(Long id){
return null;
* @explain 添加
* @param 对象参数:${entityName}
* @return Boolean
* @author ${author}
* @time ${createTime}
<#if isSwagger=="true" >
@ApiOperation(value = "添加", notes = "作者:${author}")
public BaseDtoResponse<${entityName}> insert(${entityName} entity){
return null;
* @explain 修改
* @param 对象参数:${entityName}
* @return Boolean
* @author ${author}
* @time ${createTime}
<#if isSwagger=="true" >
@ApiOperation(value = "修改", notes = "作者:${author}")
public BaseDtoResponse<Boolean> update(${entityName} entity){
return null;
* @explain 分页条件查询用户
* @param 对象参数:PageableDto<${entityName}>
* @return PageInfo<${entityName}>
* @author ${author}
* @time ${createTime}
<#if isSwagger=="true" >
@ApiOperation(value = "分页查询", notes = "分页查询返回[IPage<T>],作者:${author}")
public BaseDtoResponse<PageInfo<${entityName}>> getPages(IPage param){
return null;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ public class ${entityName} implements Serializable{
@TableId(value = "id", type = IdType.AUTO)
@GeneratedValue(generator = "JDBC")
<#if isSwagger=="true" >
@ApiModelProperty(name = "${}" , value = "${ci.comment}")
......@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import ${entityUrl}.${entityName};
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import com.ydl.common.dto.BaseDtoResponse;
import com.github.pagehelper.PageInfo;
import com.github.pagehelper.IPage;
* @Description:TODO(${entityComment}服务层)
......@@ -18,5 +20,19 @@ import com.ydl.common.dto.BaseDtoResponse;
public interface ${entityName}Facade {
public BaseDtoResponse<${entityName}> getById(Long id);
public BaseDtoResponse<Boolean> deleteById(Long id);
public BaseDtoResponse<${entityName}> insert(${entityName} entity);
public BaseDtoResponse<Boolean> update(${entityName} entity);
public BaseDtoResponse<PageInfo<${entityName}>> getPages(IPage param);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ import ${facadeUrl}.${entityName}Facade;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import com.github.pagehelper.PageHelper;
import com.github.pagehelper.PageInfo;
import com.github.pagehelper.IPage;
* @Description:TODO(${entityComment}服务实现)
......@@ -20,5 +22,29 @@ import com.github.pagehelper.PageHelper;
@Service(version = "1.0.0", interfaceClass = ${entityName}Facade.class)
public class ${entityName}FacadeImpl implements ${entityName}Facade {
public BaseDtoResponse<${entityName}> getById(Long id) {
return null;
public BaseDtoResponse<Boolean> deleteById(Long id) {
return null;
public BaseDtoResponse<Doctor> insert(${entityName} entity) {
return null;
public BaseDtoResponse<Boolean> update(${entityName} entity) {
return null;
public BaseDtoResponse<PageInfo<${entityName}>> getPages(IPage param) {
return null;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
package ${serviceImplUrl};
import ${entityUrl}.${entityName};
import ${daoUrl}.${entityName}Dao;
import ${daoUrl}.${entityName}Mapper;
import ${serviceUrl}.${entityName}Service;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import com.ydl.common.service.impl.BaseService;
......@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ public class MyGenerator implements Serializable {
public static final String SERVICE_URL = "com.ydl.demo.service";
public static final String SERVICE_IMPL_URL = "com.ydl.demo.service.impl";
public static final String FACADE_URL = "com.ydl.demo.facade";
public static final String FACADE_URL_IMPL = "com.ydl.demo.facade";
public static final String FACADE_URL_IMPL = "com.ydl.demo.facade.impl";
public static final String CONTROLLER_URL = "com.ydl.demo.api";
public static final String IS_SWAGGER = "true";
public static final String IS_SWAGGER = "false";
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
......@@ -66,26 +66,30 @@ public class MyGenerator implements Serializable {
try {
bi = EntityInfoUtil.getInfo(bi);
String fileUrl = "D:\\ydlwork\\ydl-demo\\ydl-demo-api\\src\\main\\java\\";// 生成文件存放位置
String fileUrl = "D:\\ydlwork\\generator\\demo\\src\\main\\java\\";// 生成文件存放位置
// String aa1 = Generator.createEntity(fileUrl, bi).toString();
// String aa2 = Generator.createDao(fileUrl, bi).toString();
// String aa3 = Generator.createDaoImpl(fileUrl, bi).toString();
String aa4 = Generator.createService(fileUrl, bi).toString();
String aa5 = Generator.createServiceImpl(fileUrl, bi).toString();
String aa6 = Generator.createController(fileUrl, bi).toString();
String aa1 = Generator.createEntity(fileUrl, bi).toString();
String aa2 = Generator.createDao(fileUrl, bi).toString();
String aa3 = Generator.createDaoImpl(fileUrl, bi).toString();
String aa4 = Generator.createService(fileUrl, bi).toString();
String aa5 = Generator.createServiceImpl(fileUrl, bi).toString();
String aa6 = Generator.createController(fileUrl, bi).toString();
// 是否创建swagger配置文件
// String aa7 = Generator.createSwaggerConfig(fileUrl, bi).toString();
//String aa7 = Generator.createSwaggerConfig(fileUrl, bi).toString();
// System.out.println(aa1);
// System.out.println(aa2);
// System.out.println(aa3);
// System.out.println(aa7);
String aa9 = Generator.createFacade(fileUrl, bi).toString();
String aa10 = Generator.createFacadeImpl(fileUrl, bi).toString();
} catch (SQLException e) {
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